
Tag Archives: cooked


I’m currently reading Cooked by Michael Pollan. I love his passion for protecting our planet with a focus on food and how we fuel ourselves with it.

In this book he makes a case for cooking our food from scratch. This simple act is the solution to many of the problems in the world. My favorite creative endeavor is cooking. I mostly cook just for Kris, sometimes for sangha events and infrequently for friends and family.

I thought I’d begin sharing some of the food I prepare. Yesterday I made a salad of roasted carrots and Brussel sprouts with arugula, radishes, pistachio nuts, and beets drizzled with yuzu and good olive oil. This was topped with tuna salad made from canned tuna, capers, celery and onion tossed with mayonnaise and yogurt. I love this salad because I’m able to incorporate leftover roasted vegetables. Anything goes…it just has to be pretty!